Lafw deans certApplicants will learn if a law school requires a “Dean’s Certification” when the specific application is available. If a law school requires one, it will be available as a download from their electronic application.The Dean’s Certification normally asks a representative from the College to release information about the applicant’s disciplinary history. To comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Lafayette students must sign a release form before the Dean’s Certification will be processed. The release form is available to download here.

If an applicant is unsure about their disciplinary history, please consult with your class Dean.

A Dean’s Certification might not be required at the time of application but can be required at the time of acceptance or deposit. Whether or not a Dean’s Certification is required, law school applicants should expect to be asked questions about prior academic and disciplinary actions in a law school application.  Applicants might also receive questions if their initial responses were inaccurate or incomplete.  Failure to disclose fully can trigger severe consequences in the law school admission process and later in the Bar admission process. LSAC has information about ethical conduct in applying to law school. Law school applicants should also be aware of the character and fitness process followed by State Bar Associations.